Effect of Service Quality and Price on Customer Satisfaction


  • Safirah Ramadhaniati STIE Jakarta International College
  • Evi Susanti
  • Arjuna Wiwaha
  • Isthi Wahyuning Tyas STIE Jakarta International College




Service Quality, Price, Customer Satisfaction, Forwarding Company, Service Industry


The determinants of customer satisfaction are service quality and price. Therefore, this study aimed to determine the effects of service quality and price on customer satisfaction. This research was conducted at a Forwarding Company, with a total sample of 78 respondents. Meanwhile, the data analysis method used was descriptive and multiple linear regression using SPSS 25. The results showed that service quality and price has a significant effect on customer satisfaction with a determination coefficient of 50%. Meanwhile, the remaining 50% is influenced by other variables, which have been widely studied. However, research in forwarding service companies is rarely conducted.


Author Biography

Evi Susanti

Section Editor: Digital Entrepreneurship



How to Cite

Ramadhaniati, S., Susanti, E., Wiwaha, A., & Wahyuning Tyas, I. (2020). Effect of Service Quality and Price on Customer Satisfaction. International Journal of Digital Entrepreneurship and Business, 1(1), 1 - 10. https://doi.org/10.52238/ideb.v1i1.20

Abstract viewed = 2833 times

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